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August 30, 2013

GoodNews: Trust In God...

Peace Even In The Crash Of An Airplane

"For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain." - Philippians 1:21 NIV

Did you know that in 2012, almost 3 billion people flew safely on 37.5 million airline flights, according to the International Air Transport Association? The global accident rate was 0.20 in 2012, or about one accident for every 5 million flights, and was the lowest in aviation history. 

Now, that's mighty good news to have NOW, but many years ago, I was on a flight and we were dropping out of the sky - five people in a twin-engine Cessna - and those statistics wouldn't have meant much to me then. The right engine had gone out, and then the left followed. All I knew was that within a minute or two we would crash. I thought of my wife and our three-month-old son. Would he grow up without a father?

I prayed that God would guide the pilot in bringing us down. Amazingly, in a way I can't explain, a peace came over me, a sureness that we would be OK whether we lived or died, because we knew Christ.

We crashed in a rice field. Part of the left wing broke off and we belly-flopped and spun to a stop; yet we all walked away unharmed - a miracle, for sure. But the greater miracle was to be face-to-face with death and unafraid. That meant everything.

If you were in my seat, how would you have felt? The good news is, with Jesus Christ, we can face death knowing if we live or die - we live. www.rightfromtheheart.org

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