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August 26, 2013

Meningitis Costs A Toddler His Leg

Noah Stephenson (pictured), contracted meningococcal meningitis and septicaemia when he was just eight-months-old and had since then spent some weeks in hospital fighting for his dear life. And now the disease had caused the lower part of his left leg to die, meaning  that it had to be amputated. Chai! So sympathetic! Please, parents always pray for your children for God to always protect them!
Meanwhile Here Are Symptoms Of Malaria:
Refusing food and vomiting
Being fretful and disliking being handled
Drowsiness and unresponsiveness
An unusual cry or moaning
Neck stiffness and a dislike of bright lights
Pale, blotchy skin or a red rash that does not disappear under pressure
Seizures or fits
Source: The Meningitis Trust

[Credit: dailymail.com]

Mystery: The Bizarre Picture Of An Unexplained Phenomenon

Let me join dailymail.com to ask this same question! Could this finally be proof that Nessie exists?  This eerie photo from the shore of Loch Ness which could encourage those who believe in tales of a monster living beneath the surface of the lake was captured by an amateur photographer.The story of the Loch Ness Monster goes back as far as the medieval period, but it first came to widespread public attention in 1933. That year a couple named the Spicers claimed to have seen a creature with a large body and long neck jumped in to the loch, causing a national sensation. The next year, the iconic 'surgeon's photograph' was published, purporting to show the creature swimming in Loch Ness with its head out of the water. Hmm! Things are happening!

Ways To Reduce High Blood Pressure....

7.    Lastly, processed food is probably where you get most of the salt that could lead to this blood pressure issues. In order to cut down this excessive consumption of salt as obtained from the processed foods, read your food labels properly. You can visit our blog on how to read food nutrition labels. Ensure you know how much one serving is because eating two servings instead of one serving means you will get two times much sodium into your body system and of course you know that will definitely not do your body any good.

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[credit: webMD]

Ways To Reduce High Blood Pressure...

5.   After trying all these options and they didn't work for you, your doctor will likely prescribe medication. Just continue to keep the healthy lifestyle habits even as you keep taking the prescribed medication.

6.    Try meditation along with medication as studies show that doing Transcendental Meditation (TM) like focusing on a sound or phrase to get to a relaxed state of mind, can lower your blood pressure a bit.

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[credit: wedMD]

Ways To Reduce Your High Blood Pressure..

3.    Get your blood pressure checked by your doctor once a year to make sure your heart and other organs are not damaged. Reason being that you can have high blood pressure for years without knowing it.

4.   Once your doctor confirms that your blood pressure is high, you may not need medicine if you exercise. Other things you need to do apart from exercise are changing your eating lifestyle, as in eating healthy, lose weight and try as mush as possible to quit smoking, also limit your alcohol intake while still cutting down the amount of salt you consume.

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[credit: webMD]

Ways To Reduce High Blood Pressure.

1.    Engaging in moderate exercise will help to bring down your blood pressure, strengthen your heart, reduce stress and yet help you stay at a healthy weight. But you have to seek the advice of your doctor on what kind of exercise to do and how much. 
2.    Blood pressure tends to go up as we age but can be reduced when you avoid smoking, drinking too much alcohol, getting obese and being physically inactive.

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[Credit: wedMD]

A child, Who Is claimed To Have Spontaneously Combusted Four times

Baby Rahul (pictured), is reported to be a victim of one of the strangest and most mysterious of phenomena said to affect the body called 'spontaneous human combustion.' One afternoon, says Rajeshwari, she was washing her daughter when she suddenly heard Rahul screaming from inside the hut. She ran towards him, but before she could get there, a neighbor shouted to her the words she will never forget: ‘Your baby is on fire!’ and according to the couple this spontaneous human combustion had occurred three more times. 
Strange things are really happening on this planet earth, is it really possible for a baby to burst suddenly into flames? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! what kind of sickness is this? In fact, people we better give our lives to Christ ooo! As He alone has all the answers to these.

[Credit: dailymail.com]